Assam Behora

Assam Behora
This is a classic Indian Assam black tea from Behora Estate. It brews a full-bodied cup with bold malty flavor, strength and just the right amount of astringency. Classic example of a top Assam Tea.
Country of Origin: India
Grade: TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe)
Manufacture Type: Orthodox
Infusion: Bright and tending coppery
Brewing Instructions Per 8 oz. of Water

More information
Behora is the flagship estate of the George Williamson Assam group. The Golaghat district produces Assam’s best teas on account of the soil conditions. The product from Behora is keenly sought by buyers all over the world. You might be interested to know the following statistics concerning Behora Estate. The estate covers more than 5 square miles and produces 3 million pounds of tea annually. It employs about 1700 people. The estate provides housing for the workers and their families. There are 1200 families living on Behora and the total population is over 7700 people living in 883 estate provided homes. The estate has a 50 bed hospital and also has 3 primary schools for the labors’ children. In addition to this, there is a community center where the workers can watch TV and play various organized sporting activities.