Culinary Matcha

Culinary Matcha
from $2.95
This is a Culinary grade Matcha from Taiwan. It is a very good tea for everyday mixing and drinking. It is also perfect as an ingredient for baking and cooking. When compared to our 2 other Matchas (Matcha Green and Matcha Samidori), this culinary grade Matcha has more astringency and has a paler green color. However, once sweetener and/or dairy is added, the difference in taste between our 3 Matchas become less noticeable. We would recommend using this Matcha for mixing drinks and cooking.
Origin: Taiwan
Grade: Culinary Powdered Green Tea (Sencha Base)
Pictured above is a brief Matcha brewing demonstration
- Add 1 teaspoon of Matcha to a bowl.
- Put a few drops of hot water into bowl and use a whisk to whisk the Matcha into a paste.
- Pour6 to 8 oz. ofhot water (160-180F) into bowl. Then in a slow "m' motion, submerge any loose bits of Matcha that may be floating on the surface of the tea.
- Whisk the tea more briskly in a back and forth or circular motion until the surface of the Matcha becomes frothy.
- Consume immediately.
For more Matcha brewing tips please visit our Matcha Brewing Guide Page