Matcha Sampler Pack

Matcha Sampler Pack


Try all of our Matcha teas in one sampler pack at a discounted price.

This Matcha sampler pack includes 5 of our Matchas: Matcha Samidori, Matcha Green, Matcha Kenya Highlands, Matcha Kenya Superior, and Culinary Matcha.

Each Matcha sample makes 3-5 servings of tea.

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  • Add 1 teaspoon of Matcha to a bowl.
  • Put a few drops of hot water into bowl and use a whisk to whisk the Matcha into a paste.
  • Pour 6 to 8 oz. of hot water (160-180F)  into bowl. Then in a slow "m' motion, submerge any loose bits of Matcha that may be floating on the surface of the tea.
  • Whisk the tea more briskly in a back and forth until the surface of the Matcha becomes frothy.
  • Consume immediately.